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 Goals Brought Into Light [Open for those who'd join]

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Munny : 955
Posts : 11
Join date : 2016-05-14
Location : The World That Never Was

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Potential: 440
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Goals Brought Into Light [Open for those who'd join] Empty
PostSubject: Goals Brought Into Light [Open for those who'd join]   Goals Brought Into Light [Open for those who'd join] EmptyWed May 18, 2016 9:18 pm

Xiel sighed to himself as he slumped against the wall of Memory's Skyscraper, staring up at the 'sky' with an utterly defeated look on his face. "That guy.. He was so strong.. I don't get it, how could he hold so much power?" He muttered under his breath as he closed his eyes. "How do I know if that even happened? All I remember is.. just hanging around and then next thing I know he's there. Before I know it I wake up on the ground as if I'd just blacked out.. or did he really knock me out?" Xiel shook his head in frustration as he slammed his fist against the ground.

After a few moments, Xiel opened his eyes once more and let his head drop so that his chin was against his chest. "I need to be ready.. I have to get stronger! I refuse to be beaten so easily by that.. freak again! Even if it means I have to cut through Heartless and humans!" He'd then growl before quickly standing up and looking up once more. "But to do that, I'll need to find some way out of this world.. but how? I don't even know if it's possible.. No! I will find a way. Even if I have to bust into that damned castle to find out how, I will escape from this place! Xiel then nodded to himself as he cracked a small grin. He'd sooner die than be stuck in this world for any longer than he needed to be. One way or another, he knew he'd find some means of escaping, so that he may grow more powerful and fulfill his mission.
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Munny : 680
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Goals Brought Into Light [Open for those who'd join] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Goals Brought Into Light [Open for those who'd join]   Goals Brought Into Light [Open for those who'd join] EmptyFri Apr 07, 2017 11:49 pm

"I just want to know..." Xedyn would mutter to himself as more and more questions appeared in the recesses of his mind. He never deemed himself a thinker by the most part but thinking was all he could ever set his mind to do. He knew nobody, no pun intended, that could share in the mental catastrophe that was going on in his head. Very few answers came to the boy but methods to obtain those answers through violent or non-violent means would make themselves present in his mind but one in particular stuck.
He needed to find a way out.

The hair on the back of his neck stood on end when the sound of a hand hitting concrete filled his ears, the jolt that forced itself down his spine nearly made him leap into the air and fall to his knees. Like a deer caught in headlights his head swiftly turned to meet a stranger, such as he, by the Memory's Skyscraper, one landmark of which Xedyn would rely on his walk to and fro of the strange city. It was only today and one other long ago that he discovered someone other than himself that wasn't a strange contorting jumpsuit or something of that variety.
"Who are you?" He asked curtly, turning his body to face the stranger. Of course this manner of speaking was only a facade to quell the anxiety making laps in his head, actually using his lips to speak was almost a foreign experience as previously there would be no one to actually talk to. It was almost an intoxicating venture being able to hear his own voice again and his mind took pleasure in it. Another thought came to him after a moment, perhaps this stranger had the power to give him the answers he needed, let alone guide him to something that could.
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Munny : 955
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Goals Brought Into Light [Open for those who'd join] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Goals Brought Into Light [Open for those who'd join]   Goals Brought Into Light [Open for those who'd join] EmptyTue Apr 11, 2017 1:23 am

Xiels gaze immediately shot up and fell upon the approaching newcomer, confusion was readily apparent in his eyes as he took a moment to process what was happening. This would mark the second time someone had approached him, though.. this one didn't give off any of the odd vibes that hooded man from before had. Perhaps Xiel would be able to make a potential ally? Who knows, maybe this time he would actually gain some answers rather than questions.

My name.. I recall once it had been unknown as well.. I'm not certain about what I've been told but.. It's better than nothing. He'd think to himself before finally speaking up. "You may call me.. Xiel. Now, it is your turn.. who might you be?" Xiel would mutter as he stood up. Making it a point to keep his eyes locked on this stranger before him, he no doubt gave off something akin to a hostile presence. Though in truth, he viewed himself as being on the defensive. Every part of him wanted to save the trouble and either cut and run or attack this stranger before they could attack him, but instead he opted to remain and see if his previous hopes would play out.

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Munny : 680
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Goals Brought Into Light [Open for those who'd join] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Goals Brought Into Light [Open for those who'd join]   Goals Brought Into Light [Open for those who'd join] EmptyTue Apr 11, 2017 3:17 am

The gaze that Xedyn felt from the stranger across from him almost made him step back in caution as conversing vocally with another person was just as foreign to him as his plans to escape this world and go and find another. He had no desire or reason to stay in this world, but it was one that he was stuck in and it was relatively quiet, something he was thankful for at least for a while until the silence became a poison that began to eat away at him. Not everyone was so accustomed to darkness even though it was the only thing to keep one company.

Xedyn made sure to chart the name down in his head for future use if things went the way he would plan, that he would be able to find a way out of here with the help of this strange being. The name Xedyn gave himself almost disappeared from his head when it was asked in return, and although he was hesitant on doing so, he was ready to go great lengths to earn this person's trust. It was his only lead, however indirect, to leave this world and find the answers that he wanted, that he needed.

"Xedyn..." He muttered, but realizing the other wouldn't be able to hear at that distance, he shook his head and raised his volume, his voice cracking in the middle of giving away his name. "It, it's Xedyn!" He stepped back and lowered his head, thinking over his options. Mostly what he should ask next and whether it would be feasible to ask such a question or not. He opened his mouth to begin talking but stayed his tongue, it didn't feel logical to ask the questions burning in his head such as 'is there a way out of here' among other things, for all Xedyn knew this stranger could be someone watching for other nobodies thinking that exact question, taking care of them accordingly.

Having given it much more thought, Xedyn opened his mouth again, gathering up the will that he could muster. "Are there other worlds?" He asked while pointing a finger at him as if cuing the other to respond. It seemed like a logical question given the darkness and nothing that loomed over this place, for all he knew everything was consumed and this world was the only one left. Which would really put a damper on his plans considering this world lacked the answers to the questions he seeked.
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Munny : 955
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Join date : 2016-05-14
Location : The World That Never Was

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Goals Brought Into Light [Open for those who'd join] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Goals Brought Into Light [Open for those who'd join]   Goals Brought Into Light [Open for those who'd join] EmptyTue Apr 11, 2017 11:41 pm

Xiel furrowed his brow, what a trivial question. Naturally he thought such things were below him yet.. he couldn't deny that he had at times wondered the very same thing. Perhaps this.. Xedyn could indeed become a potentially ally, and a very valuable one at that if he held the same drive Xiel had. He thought for a moment before turning his gaze up to the 'sky.' Quickly losing himself in thought for a short while before looking back to Xedyn.

"I do not know for certain.. but I would like to believe so. Anything would be better than being forever stuck here. I do however have an idea of how answer may come to light. The castle.." His voice wavered slightly as he spoke, he knew very well how unlikely it would be that two random schmucks would be able to just walk in and get any information they desired.

At this point Xiel would begin to watch Xedyn once more, though without any previous hostilities. Rather, great curiosity. If he could in fact gain an ally perhaps he could also finally triumph over that hooded man he had encountered before, and maybe even gain some answers in the process. That however would have to wait, first he would have to gain this strangers trust and recruit them to his cause.
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Munny : 680
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Join date : 2017-04-03

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Potential: 820
Willpower: 1270
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Goals Brought Into Light [Open for those who'd join] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Goals Brought Into Light [Open for those who'd join]   Goals Brought Into Light [Open for those who'd join] EmptyWed Apr 12, 2017 12:18 am

Xedyn turned and stared at the massive castle off in the distance and could barely make out the many squirming nobodies making their rounds in the ramparts and along the castle walls, his attention next was steered toward the large symbol on the front of it of which he still never understood the meaning of. "The castle..." Xedyn repeated, with a tone in his voice that gave away his almost playfully mischievous intentions. He began to wonder if there was indeed a way out of this world through the castle and felt a smile touch his lips, that's where he needed to go. That's where he would go, as soon as the chance prevents itself. Xedyn turned to the other nobody and pointed to the castle, excitement showing in his limbs.

"I'm going over there." He announced to Xiel, Xedyn then held out his hand toward the other nobody, his other hand still pointing toward the castle. He would be going with or without this nobody, even if death presented itself he wanted to at least try to escape, otherwise there was no conceivable reason for him to even live. Not to him, not in his mind. "Will you join me?" He asked. The idea in itself was stupid, but his thoughts called out to the large structure, beckoning Xedyn toward it like a father leading his child along. Of course such a metaphor was lost to Xedyn as he also had no recollection of parentage. Realizing this he lowered the hand that pointed to the castle but another thought came into his mind, he would just have to figure that out too. He walked toward Xiel without any note of hostility in his limbs and lowered his other hand that beckoned toward the other nobody..

"I'm going with or without you. There's something telling me that we'll find something in that castle, and whether or not I have to cut my way through armies of these...things, I'm going." He said. So many words at almost sent a shiver down his spine which would have been more awkward than the situation would need, as if it needed any awkwardness at all. He wondered if the possibility would lie that he was welcome in the castle and he had just didn't know it, perhaps his attitude would turn out to be a young fool's mistake and he could strut in free as a bird. But he wouldn't deign to test that theory and end up mince meat at the hands of a jump-suit wearing go-go dancer.
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Munny : 955
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Join date : 2016-05-14
Location : The World That Never Was

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Potential: 440
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Goals Brought Into Light [Open for those who'd join] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Goals Brought Into Light [Open for those who'd join]   Goals Brought Into Light [Open for those who'd join] EmptyWed Apr 12, 2017 12:42 am

Xiel chuckled, a wide grin crawling across his face. "Yes! Finally someone who shares my goal! I shall travel with you, I'd hate to see your driving passion be silenced due to fighting alone.
A word of warning however, be wary if you spot a hooded man.. I can't give you a name but I had a run-in with him a while back. One strike and I was finished.."
Recalling this memory made him visibly disgusted and irritated, he would love nothing more than killing this man as soon as he saw him, but deep down he knew he could never hope to face him in battle. Not yet at least..

Such thoughts would have to wait, now Xiel finally had a goal to realistically work towards. Soon he would be within this castle that had forever haunted his sights, and this seemed to excite him, he couldn't describe how or why but he was growing more and more anxious at the thought of finally finding some answers. Now, they couldn't come soon enough. "Shall we leave immediately?" One final question, for formalities mostly. Xiel had every intent to start toward the castle the moment this conversation had reached its end.
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Munny : 680
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Goals Brought Into Light [Open for those who'd join] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Goals Brought Into Light [Open for those who'd join]   Goals Brought Into Light [Open for those who'd join] EmptyWed Apr 12, 2017 1:41 am

'One strike...?' Xedyn felt distress and reluctance wrap its rough tendrils around his brain, suddenly this idea didn't seem too good if this person, with how strong he looked, was brought down in a single blow. But he refused to be deterred by any threat and vowed to himself that he would find those answers. This hooded man couldn't be that tough.
Could he?

Xedyn nodded his head to let Xiel now that he understood, surprisingly enough Xedyn took to keeping quiet this time as he suddenly felt like if they spoke more this hooded man would discover their position and move in to attack which was something he didn't really want to have to deal with. Dusks he could handle, but this person sounded undeniably strong being able to bring someone down in a single blow. He admired Xiel's anticipation to leave immediately and quite easily shared in that gesture, it didn't seem like a necessary question to ask but he didn't mind answering it.

"Yeah." He curtly replied, and almost immediately turned to the direction of  the castle and began to move. Surely this castle held the answers he seeked, and if not, the means of obtaining those answers. Perhaps a new ability, or a means of transport. Maybe both. Either way, this was the only lead he had and it made him feel better that he was running off into danger with an ally. 'I just hope he doesn't run off on me.'

-End of Thread-
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Goals Brought Into Light [Open for those who'd join] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Goals Brought Into Light [Open for those who'd join]   Goals Brought Into Light [Open for those who'd join] EmptyFri Apr 14, 2017 8:13 pm

Xiel, you received 140 Willpower, 90 Potential, and 135 Munny!

Xedyn, you received 170 Willpower, 120 Potential, and 180 Munny!
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